Fire Risk Assessment
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 is Law, which came into force in 2006, and is the main governing piece of Legislation driving Fire Safety Law in England and Wales, after the decision was made by the U.K. Government to simplify Fire Safety Legislation and consolidate some 80 former Acts of legislation, that were in place prior to the Fire Safety Order.
It is a legal requirement of the Fire Safety Order, (Article 9) that a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment is carried out in any workplace, and where there are over 5 employees, that this should be documented. 'Any' workplace includes any place of work such as a Construction Site for example.
A Fire Risk Assessment assesses the fire risks, the protective and preventative measures, and processes / management procedures in place on any premises, and identifies necessary measures to remove or reduce the risk from fire to an acceptable level, ensuring compliance with the Fire Safety Order. Falcon Fire follows strict assessment protocols using recognised legislative guidance, including approved Building Regulations, DCLG (Department for Communities and Local Government) Guidance, and all relevant British Standards as applicable. All of our Fire Risk Assessors are fully trained and qualified, and Falcon Fire Prevention is a member of the Fire Protection Association (FPA).
Our Fire Risk Assessments are as an absolute minimum, compliant with all applicable legislative guidance, including the BSI issued PAS79 format and separately HSG168 (HSE Guidance for Fire Safety on Construction Sites) and the Joint Code of Practice (Fire Prevention on Construction Sites). As such, you can be assured that any Fire Risk Assessment carried out on your behalf by Falcon Fire will be to the highest standard, 'suitable and sufficient' as required by the Fire Safety Order, and of course fully compliant.
Who is the 'Responsible Person'?
Under Part 1, Section 3 of the Fire Safety Order, the 'Responsible Person' is defined as:
(a) in relation to a workplace, the employer, if the workplace is to any extent under his control;
(b) in relation to any premises not falling within paragraph (a) -
_(i) the person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in
connection with the carrying on by him of a trade, business or other
undertaking (for profit or not); or_
_(ii) the owner, where the person in control the premises does not have
control in connection with the carrying on by that person of a trade,
business or other undertaking._
In simple terms, in the vast majority of instances the person who has control of the premises is the Employer or the Owner and where a person has control of the premises such as a Construction Site for example the Responsible Person would typically be the Principal Contractor.
At Falcon Fire we work with the 'Responsible Person/s' to ensure full compliance with the Fire Safety Order and to ensure adequate fire precautions and management procedures are developed / put in place. We ensure that all of our clients and their staff are provided with the correct information, skills and training to reduce and manage the risk from fire and to react as required in the event of an emergency.
The Fire Safety Order 2005 - the 'Basics'
Within the Fire Safety Order 2005, there are 5 Parts. In terms of compliance with the Fire Safety Order, we need only really be concerned with the first 2 Parts (Part 3 relating to Enforcement and powers of enforcement).
Part 1 details the General requirements, and this includes the meaning of the "responsible person" for example and the meaning of 'general fire precautions" as well as interpretation and duties under the order, and application to premises (the extent of premises covered under the Order).
Of 'chief' concern to most Risk Assessors and by default 'responsible persons' will be the Fire Safety Duties listed under Part 2, which in themselves (Sections 8. - 24) make up 17 legally binding Articles within the Fire Safety Order.
These 'Fire Safety Duties' include key items that can sometimes be taken for granted, and are present or required in the vast majority of workplaces, and include the following:
The duty to take General Fire Precautions (Article 8); The need for a Fire Risk Assessment (Article 9); adequate Fire Safety Arrangements; adequate Fire Fighting (e.g. Portable Fire Extinguishers, Fire Detection Systems) (Article 13); Emergency Routes and Exits (Article 14); -
The need to eliminate or reduce the risks from Dangerous Substances (e.g. Flammable Liquids); adequate Maintenance of Fire Systems provided (Article 17); adequate Safety Assistance (e.g. the appointment of Fire Wardens to assist the Responsible Person) (Article 18); Provision of information and Training to employees (Articles 19 & 21); Co-operation and co-ordination (with other responsible persons) (Article 22).
It is clear that whilst many people / Employers may be ignorant of the legislative requirements, that the Fire Safety Order is far reaching and applies to all premises and the vast majority of Employers. Copies of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 are free to download online - Are YOU complying with the Law ?